English <-> Spanish Slovoed Deluxe talking dictionary
#1 DICTIONARY TECHNOLOGY IN THE WORLD 240 000 entries and 90 000 audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers The most reliable dictionary content from the world’s leading lex…
Number topped 170185 reviewers!
#1 DICTIONARY TECHNOLOGY IN THE WORLD 240 000 entries and 90 000 audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers The most reliable dictionary content from the world’s leading lex…
TRY SMART SLOVOED TRANSLATION ENGINE • New! Copy words or phrases from other apps (e.g. web-browser or mail, etc.) to instantly look them up in your dictionary! Launch the dictio…
TRY SMART SLOVOED TRANSLATION ENGINE • New! Copy words or phrases from other apps (e.g. web-browser or mail, etc.) to instantly look them up in your dictionary! Launch the dictio…
*** Dictionary features are presented on the screenshots *** ---------- TRY SMART SLOVOED TRANSLATION ENGINE • New! Copy words or phrases from other apps (e.g. web-browser or mai…
• New! Copy words or phrases from other apps (e.g. web-browser or mail, etc.) to instantly look them up in your dictionary! Launch the dictionary in background, open any other app …
_____ TRY SMART SLOVOED TRANSLATION ENGINE • New! Copy words or phrases from other apps (e.g. web-browser or mail, etc.) to instantly look them up in your dictionary! Launch the …
_____ TRY SMART SLOVOED TRANSLATION ENGINE • New! Copy words or phrases from other apps (e.g. web-browser or mail, etc.) to instantly look them up in your dictionary! Launch the …
Bu İngilizce-Türkçe-İngilizce konuşan sözlük, REDHOUSE (İstanbul, Türkiye) veritabanına dayalıdır. Bu veritabanı, kullanım örnekleri, eşanlamlı ve zıt anlamlı sözcükler, referansla…
---------- TRY SMART SLOVOED TRANSLATION ENGINE • New! Copy words or phrases from other apps (e.g. web-browser or mail, etc.) to instantly look them up in your dictionary! Launch…
*** Dictionary features are presented on the screenshots *** ------------ TRY SMART SLOVOED TRANSLATION ENGINE • New! Copy words or phrases from other apps (e.g. web-browser or m…