Groceries Grocery List
List Items can be checked off, grouped by store, or section, sorted, or manually ordered. This lets you maximize the screen real estate on iPhone for the task at hand. It also prev…
Number topped 170185 reviewers!
List Items can be checked off, grouped by store, or section, sorted, or manually ordered. This lets you maximize the screen real estate on iPhone for the task at hand. It also prev…
Macworld - 4 out of 5 Mice "...comically feature-laden, allowing you to track everything from your to-do list to your grocery list to your budgets, and beyond." Jezebel : Worth …
Current Key features include: -Easily track people, gift ideas, finances and stores. -Tracks what you've spent against a budget. -Create Multiple Lists by Occasion, or Person. …
Calculation features: -Figure Catenary curves based on line tension, weight, line weight, and tower heights. -Figure amount of Line on a Drum using Drum Calc -Estimate weights bas…