What you'll find inside: • Select and browse all the issue of the magazine in the newsstand section • Get in-depth information through extra content • Share and bookmark the most i…
Number topped 170256 reviewers!
What you'll find inside: • Select and browse all the issue of the magazine in the newsstand section • Get in-depth information through extra content • Share and bookmark the most i…
Although The Wire is a London based publication, it serves an international readership. The iPad/iPhone edition brings you selected pages from the latest issue as soon as it is pu…
Assine a Autoesporte agora e tenha 37% de desconto. Não perca! Mercado, lançamentos, segredos de fábrica, tendências, automobilismo, serviço, recalls, curiosidades... Tudo o que…
Martin Amis said: "In Literary Review you find something that has almost vanished from the book pages: its contributors are actually interested in Literature." The iPad/iPhone edi…
With exclusive videos, breathtaking photography and cutting-edge writing, evo puts you behind the wheel of the most exciting performance cars around. New content is published as …
Each issue carries interviews with the biggest names in British politics, as well as thought-provoking features, hard-hitting opinion, political history and culture, delivering con…
For over 100 years, this courageous periodical has been the place where our nation’s most progressive thinkers have gathered to open your eyes to who is really profiting from war, …
"Tips for iPhone 5 could have easily come from iPhone 5(iOS 6.0). It's simple, easy, and powerful HD Video Tutorial Application." ✓ Get the most out of your iPhone 5 with THE gui…
Toda semana você vai curtir o conteúdo interativo de uma forma que só é possível num tablet: vídeos, capas que se movem, gráficos interativos, visualizações em 360 graus, integraçã…