Sports Illustrated Kids Magazine
SPORTS ILLUSTRATED KIDS iPad Edition is now available on iPhone, delivering everything you expect from the ultimate, kid-friendly, resource on sports including: - Profiles of the b…
ESSENCE Magazine
People en Espanol Magazine Subscriptions Available: 1-month subscription - $1.99 (automatically renewed until canceled) 1-year subscription - $14.99 (automatically renewed until ca…
Cooking Light Magazine
Make healthy taste great with Cooking Light magazine—now vibrantly designed for the iPad and iPhone, with bonus recipes and gorgeous photos of the magazine. SUBSCRIPTIONS PLANS AR…
MAZA Cooking Journals for iPhone
The Edge Financial Daily
Enjoy and profit from Malaysia's leading business and investment newspaper - The Edge Financial Daily. The Edge Financial Daily is a standalone daily business newspaper which is a…
Grand Designs
During your subscription you can sync back issues to your device. These will remain in place if your subscription expires, unless your device removes them (for example when running…
When Saturday Comes
Regular features include: Editorial – our take on a football issue Sidelines – the current big stories Match of the month World and Euro view – the global game Focus on – clas…
Miniature Wargames
Tabletop wargaming is a diverse and dynamic hobby that is constantly throwing up new challenges to gamers. MINIATURE WARGAMES is always at the hobbyist’s side with ideas and advice…