Elf Reminder

Elf Reminder

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[iPhone God App] It was found using the Elf Reminder actually

If you've ever forgotten to move your child's elf, you know that everyone could use a friendly reminder - especially when it comes to the busy holiday season. Whether you forget to move your elf off the bookshelf or you've left it in the same spot for days, there's now an app to remind you. The app provides nondescript alerts in case your child sees your phone as well as a library of good ideas to make your life easy.

Idea Themes:
- Out in the Open
- Hiding Up High
- Elf Adventures
- Fun Hiding Places
- Hard to Find

Message Categories:
- Work Related
- Chores

Ideas are added throughout the season and shared by other app users. Never forget again, because we all know our kids won't!

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