iPeng 8Squeezebox Remote Control

iPeng 8Squeezebox Remote Control

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iPeng 7, the Music Remote for the Logitech® Squeezebox™, is the first Squeezebox App specifically designed for iOS 7. iPeng 7 is a remote control application that will work all over your home with your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

You can purchase an additional playback capability as an In-App-Purchase that will turn your iPhone or iPad into a full-blown music player for your Squeezebox Server/Logitech Media Server.

*** What’s new in iPeng 7? ***

* Full iOS 7 Support *

•iPeng has been redesigned and uses a modernized platform and code base that fully support iOS 7 and its new features.
•iPeng 7 builds on iOS 7’s new user interface design to create a modern and even more user-friendly look and feel.

iPeng 7 is a universal App for both iPhone and iPad, so you only have to purchase the App once. Older iPeng versions had separate Apps for iPhone and iPad.

* Fully Customizable *

•The fully customizable main menu allows you to show other menu items on your home menu or hide things that you don’t need.
•Change the structure of your main menu according to your preferences through a simple drag-and-drop interface.
•For the first time you can select a color scheme for iPeng, so you can use it with either a light or a dark background.
And what else? Enjoy the familiar features and comfort of iPeng.

* Easy and Fast to Use

•The functionality of iPeng is optimized for speed of use guaranteeing long-term fun.

•Built-in Tutorials help you to learn iPeng’s operation.

* Explore Your Music Library (1) *

•Browse your own files by categories like Albums, Artists, Genres or simply search for your music.

•Access additional functionality for your music through Context Menus

•And connect to your friends’ music libraries via twitter and facebook-integration and share what you are listening.

* Explore Remote Services *

•You get access to a whole world of Internet Radio
•Access Music Services like Rhapsody™ and Napster™ and have control over them as if they were in your own library
•Access additional Squeezebox™ Apps.

* Get Full Control Over Your Squeezebox Players *

•The MultiPlayer control offers a unique capability to manage and control all your players in one place.
 And it has also been redesigned in iPeng 7 to be even easier to use.
•Have direct access to Power/Volume for each connected player.

•Group players to synchronized groups. Jointly control playback and volume for these groups and move players between them using Drag and Drop or a toolbar.

•Power all players in a group off with a single click when you leave.

•Move players between music sources.

•Have access to all Squeezebox features through the Player Context Menu: Alarms, Sleep, Shuffle&Repeat Settings and many more


* Manage What’s Currently Playing
•View, save, change and rearrange your current playlist.

•Get context information on the currently playing song/station or on other songs in the current playlist.

* Use 3rd Party Plugins (2)
•iPeng supports a growing number of 3rd party plugins for Squeezebox™
•Customize your library through CustomBrowse
•Rate Tracks and browse by statistics with TrackStat right from your NowPlaying screen.

•Use 3rd party music plugins like iPlayer, NPR Radio and others
•And many more…

* Use MySqueezebox.com
•iPeng 7 doesn’t require a server to operate your Squeezebox, it also supports Logitech’s MySqueezbox.com online service.

Note: This does not apply for the Playback functionality.

iPeng requires one or more Squeezebox™ or any compatible hard- or software player.

Squeezebox™ is a trademark of Logitech.

(1) LogitechMedia Server/Squeezebox Server version 7.5 or newer available for free from mysqueezebox.com/download 

(2) Installation of 3rd party plugins in Logitech Media Server required.

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