[iPhone God App] It was found using the Scala API Documentation actually
Scala API Documentation is an entirely offline version of the complete Scala documentation (currently updated for 2.10.2).
It also comes with an browsable quick-jump index to help you to jump to the specific parts of the documentation you need.
External links give you the option of opening in the app itself, or to use Safari.
Every page (both local and external) can be opened in Safari or emailed from within the app, just use the action button in the lower left corner of the screen.
On the bottom of the home page, there are a couple of external links that are useful. Consider bookmarking them if you use them often.
The application also supports:
* Tabs: up to 9 tabs (old-style Safari-like)
* Bookmarks (both local and external)
* History
When closing and re-opening the app, it will load the previously loaded page, including the current scroll location, since some pages in the documentation can be rather large.
The documentation ships compressed in order to save bandwidth, and will be uncompressed the first time the app is launched on your device. This will only happen on the first launch.
This app is based on the offical Scala Documentation.
Scala and the Scala logo is a trademark of École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
Feature requests are very welcome, just contact us at: code@karevoll.no
It also comes with an browsable quick-jump index to help you to jump to the specific parts of the documentation you need.
External links give you the option of opening in the app itself, or to use Safari.
Every page (both local and external) can be opened in Safari or emailed from within the app, just use the action button in the lower left corner of the screen.
On the bottom of the home page, there are a couple of external links that are useful. Consider bookmarking them if you use them often.
The application also supports:
* Tabs: up to 9 tabs (old-style Safari-like)
* Bookmarks (both local and external)
* History
When closing and re-opening the app, it will load the previously loaded page, including the current scroll location, since some pages in the documentation can be rather large.
The documentation ships compressed in order to save bandwidth, and will be uncompressed the first time the app is launched on your device. This will only happen on the first launch.
This app is based on the offical Scala Documentation.
Scala and the Scala logo is a trademark of École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
Feature requests are very welcome, just contact us at: code@karevoll.no
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