Bloomberg Radio+

Bloomberg Radio+

[iPhone God App] It was found using the Bloomberg Radio+ actually

Bloomberg Radio+
- 2012 Lovie Award for Best News App
- Best Finance App of 2011 from Apple

Listen to in-depth interviews and insightful analysis from the smartest and most influential names in Finance, Business, Economics and Investment.

Past guests have included:
- Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
- Dr. Mohamed El-Erian, CEO and co-CIO of Pimco
- Bill Clinton, Former United States President
- George Soros, Chairman, Soros Fund Management

Features of the app include:
- Bloomberg Radio live 24-hours a day
- Bloomberg shows and interviews available on demand
- Offline listening. Save/download shows and interviews
- Latest market data and Breaking news on companies
- Charts as they are referenced during a show or interview
- Bios of guests
- Customizable scrolling ticker

Shows available on demand include:
- Bloomberg Surveillance with Tom Keene
- The First Word with Ken Prewitt
- The Hays Advantage with Kathleen Hays
- Taking Stock with Pimm Fox and Courtney Donohoe

Ranking chart

This app is not in the rankings recently

Bloomberg Radio+ evaluation and reputation and reviews, reviews summary


  • GOOD!!
  • Usually?

Reviews Wanted! ! Let's write that it was found by using the Bloomberg Radio+