Receipts For You

Receipts For You

[iPhone God App] It was found using the Receipts For You actually

This app is great for giving out a digital receipt when you are out and about. Are you a landlord, technician, friend, etc... who collects money due? This app is for you! After you collect the money you can fill out a receipt then e-mail it to the person who gave you the cash. Now you both have a receipt in pdf format!

How to create a Receipt:
First, fill in “From”, “Amount”, and “For” fields. Next, use your finger to sign your name. Finally when you are done, you
can e-mail the receipt. The receipt will e-mail as a PDF attachment. You can also add additional information in the
body and change the subject line.

Other editable fields:
You can change the receipt number by tapping in the “No:” field. You can also change the date if you by tapping on the
date, a date scroll wheel will appear and you can scroll to the desired date. Then tap on“Select”.

How to clear your signature:
Double tap anywhere on the signature and the writing will erase.

How to clear the main editable fields:
Tap on the “Clear” button, this will erase the information in the “From”, “Amount”, and “For” fields.

How to increment the receipt number:
Tap on the “+” button to increment the receipt number.

Tip for a better signature:
Small movements with your finger will get the best looking digital signature.

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