[iPhone God App] It was found using the Yahoo Search actually
Find exactly what you’re looking for, faster.
Everyone’s searching for the same thing: faster, more accurate, hyper-local results. Get helpful prompts to start your search and results in one tap-all so you have the information you need when you’re on the go.
Favorite features:
- Get instant suggestions as you type with Search Assist.
- Go hands-free with Voice search.
- Find local results faster with combined map and list view (US only).
Helpful tips:
- Swipe right to toggle between web, image, and video results.
- Clear your search history and set Safe Search preferences in Settings.
- Refine your query by tapping the arrows next to keyword suggestions.
Tell us what you think:
We are committed to building the best mobile experiences and would love to hear your feedback.
Let us know your thoughts here: https://yahoo.uservoice.com/forums/193847
Everyone’s searching for the same thing: faster, more accurate, hyper-local results. Get helpful prompts to start your search and results in one tap-all so you have the information you need when you’re on the go.
Favorite features:
- Get instant suggestions as you type with Search Assist.
- Go hands-free with Voice search.
- Find local results faster with combined map and list view (US only).
Helpful tips:
- Swipe right to toggle between web, image, and video results.
- Clear your search history and set Safe Search preferences in Settings.
- Refine your query by tapping the arrows next to keyword suggestions.
Tell us what you think:
We are committed to building the best mobile experiences and would love to hear your feedback.
Let us know your thoughts here: https://yahoo.uservoice.com/forums/193847
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Ranking chart
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Yahoo Search evaluation and reputation and reviews, reviews summary
- GOOD!!
- Usually?
Reviews Wanted! ! Let's write that it was found by using the Yahoo Search