Dutch Phrasebook & Translator

Dutch Phrasebook & Translator

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[iPhone God App] It was found using the Dutch Phrasebook & Translator actually

Phrasebook which contains all the essential travel words and phrases you will need, more than 250 phrases and words which will help you on your trip. All of content is downloaded onto your device so you do not need internet connection to use this app. Full English transliterations available and included for all preloaded words and phrases.

Also included in full English to Dutch Translator with access to over 5,000,000 more words and phrases*

Use the search feature to quickly find the phrase you need, or browse one of the nine categories. The categories are Public Transportation, Common Phrases, Shopping, Restaurants, Numbers and Money, Emergencies, Hotels, Dates and Times, Asking for Directions, and Other. Rated one of the top phrase book apps. A must have application for your trip.

*You need internet or 3G connection to use full translator.

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