World Cup Predictor

World Cup Predictor

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[iPhone God App] It was found using the World Cup Predictor actually

Predict, Share and Tweet the results of World Football matches.

This version has NO advertisements displayed. If you would prefer a FREE ad-supported version, look out for World Football Predictor.

The World Football Predictor app from Work Avoidance allows you to see the outcome of World Football games based on your predicted scores. As you enter scores the app will instantly show you the group standings and which teams will go through to the next round - all the way to the final. This means you can answer questions like "If USA beat England, who will go through to play Germany?".

Remember that in round 2 every game will have a winner after full time, extra time or penalties. If you predict a draw the app has to put unknown in the next round until you decide who will win that game.

Once you have predicted your final (and who will win it!) you can let the world know by Tweeting your prediction. Start the debate early and see who agrees with you!

Use the Share & Save options to send your predictions to our server and to share them with your friends and other World Football app users! If you save your predictions with anonymity off you will opt in to the public list, your results will be shared with other players so you can see how many other people agree with your predictions. Our website will show other players' predictions, along with interesting stats like most common teams to be picked for the final. So jump in and join the community, it's free!

If you provide us with your email address we can let you know about future updates and interesting results on the website. You can use our server as a backup even if you do not want to be included in the public list. You can restore your predictions from the server should you change your mind about something, or even if you delete and reinstall the app.

There is also the option to pick a tiebreaker, which is the minute you think the first goal will be scored in the final, including overtime and penalties. This is to separate you from another player that might have the same prediction - it could happen!

Keep an eye on the news page as we will be sending out World Football updates nearer kick off. If we get some interesting predictions, we might start early and let you know about those too!

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