[iPhone God App] It was found using the mLumbarAnatomy actually
mLumbarAnatomy presents the basic anatomy of the lower back (lumbar spine). The app features animated visualizations, medical images and educational notes for anyone seeking an introduction to lumbar anatomy.
"Great! - Good for general public, basic knowledge, great graphics!" - Bonnbnj USA
"10 out of 10" - Phil leggett UK
"Worth every penny… This App can be recommended without limitations." - elppa77 Germany
• Vertebra - location and structure of a lumbar vertebra. Shows how adjacent vertebra are connected by the intervertebral disc and facet joints and how the vertebra link together to form the vertebral canal.
• Spinal Cord - position of the brain within the skull and the spinal cord within the spinal canal
• Peripheral nerves - how the cervical nerves travel to the arms, the thoracic nerves travel to the trunk and the lumbar nerves travel to the pelvis and legs
• Inter-vertebral Disc - location and function of the annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus of the inter-vertebral discs
• Soft Tissues - how the ligaments and capsules support the lumbar spine
• Core Muscles - location and function of the core muscles
• Components - the components of the lumbar spine – bones, discs, nerves, ligaments and muscles
• introductory education
• core concepts without the distraction of real tissue (restricted orientation, unclear structure differentiation due to color, texture or blood)
• anatomically accurate
mLumbarAnatomy is part of the lumbar spine library of patient education applications. Anatomate-apps have a range of spine apps including the reference apps - iSpineCare, iSpineOperations and iSpinePainManagement.
"Great! - Good for general public, basic knowledge, great graphics!" - Bonnbnj USA
"10 out of 10" - Phil leggett UK
"Worth every penny… This App can be recommended without limitations." - elppa77 Germany
• Vertebra - location and structure of a lumbar vertebra. Shows how adjacent vertebra are connected by the intervertebral disc and facet joints and how the vertebra link together to form the vertebral canal.
• Spinal Cord - position of the brain within the skull and the spinal cord within the spinal canal
• Peripheral nerves - how the cervical nerves travel to the arms, the thoracic nerves travel to the trunk and the lumbar nerves travel to the pelvis and legs
• Inter-vertebral Disc - location and function of the annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus of the inter-vertebral discs
• Soft Tissues - how the ligaments and capsules support the lumbar spine
• Core Muscles - location and function of the core muscles
• Components - the components of the lumbar spine – bones, discs, nerves, ligaments and muscles
• introductory education
• core concepts without the distraction of real tissue (restricted orientation, unclear structure differentiation due to color, texture or blood)
• anatomically accurate
mLumbarAnatomy is part of the lumbar spine library of patient education applications. Anatomate-apps have a range of spine apps including the reference apps - iSpineCare, iSpineOperations and iSpinePainManagement.
- iSpineCare
- mLumbarPosteriorInterbodyFusionCage
- mLumbarLaminectomy
- iSpineOperations
- iSpinePainManagement
- iAnkylosingSpondylitis Pro
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- GOOD!!
- Usually?
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