[iPhone God App] It was found using the State Capital Quiz actually
Test your knowledge of the state capitals with this fun educational quiz. Pick out the correct state capital from a list of 5 cities for each state. Amaze your friends and family with your knowledge of the USA!
- Compass PointMeThere GPS
- Fake-A-Call ™
- Private Ear Recorder
- Sleep Analyzer
- Fake-A-Message ™ (MMS & SMS!)
- Name That State
- Fake-A-Dial
- Fake-A-Bank Account
- EMF Detector
- Heavy Bag (Punch it!)
- Fake-A-Call Free ™
- Excelltech Inc.
Ranking chart
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State Capital Quiz evaluation and reputation and reviews, reviews summary
- GOOD!!
- Usually?
Reviews Wanted! ! Let's write that it was found by using the State Capital Quiz